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Why Your Website Is Your Most Valuable Brand Asset

Patricia Neuray

A website is your most valuable branding asset

We all like to think that we're judged purely by what's on the inside rather than the outside. Unfortunately, that's not reality. Just as you form an opinion when you meet a person based on their smile or how they are dressed, customers form an opinion when they view your website. With more and more people choosing to buy digitally versus brick and mortar, a company's website serves as its virtual storefront and a crucial touchpoint for potential customers. As the saying goes, "first impressions matter," and in the online realm, your website is often the first experience that users have with your brand. It's not just about aesthetics but about usability, messaging, and credibility. So, why do so many businesses still have a website that looks like it was created in the 90's? Tangelo Media highlights some brands that have gotten it right and ways that you can learn from their example.


1. Consistency is Key:

Whether you're an animal lover or not, the World Wildlife Fund is an excellent example of a brand that tugs at your heartstrings consistently. If that Panda logo doesn't get you, nothing will. Their style and imagery throughout all of their marketing force you to reflect on how we treat our wildlife and ecosystems. And they aren't the only brand to get your attention through an animal. It would be nearly impossible to find someone that's not familiar with the Geico Gecko or the Aflac duck. The common denominator with these three brands is congruity and creativity across channels, starting with their website. While the WWF’s ultimate goal is to get more donations so they can continue fighting the good fight, they use education and powerful visuals as a tool to spread their message and further engage their users across mediums. 


2. A Testimonial is Worth a Thousand Other Words:

95% of customers read reviews before making a purchase decision, so why wouldn't you put a testimonial front and center on your site? Tea Story's first testimonial is on their home page above the fold, perfectly aligning with the brand's whimsical design. It stands out because of the scale, which takes up a significant portion of the page, and because it juxtaposes the ornate design with the simple messages. The testimonial box rotates so the user can read multiple reviews without scrolling or navigating to another page.  


3. Get Creative with your Creative:

Of course, Apple is a pioneer in setting design standards for its products but its sleek, minimalist, and user-friendly website also raises the bar. Intuitive navigation and the visually appealing layout contribute to a seamless user experience while large product shots and a limited number of colors, enable the messaging to really pop.


4. Short and Sweet:

Google's homepage is a lesson in austerity. Sometimes less really is more. With a single search bar and minimal distractions, users immediately do what Google wants you to do i.e. perform a search so they can show ads and make more money. Of course, everyone now knows that's the main purpose of Google, but it was a bold approach when they were a relatively unknown brand.


5. Mobile Responsiveness:

Amazon's mobile website is a testament to the importance of responsiveness. In a world where mobile devices are ubiquitous in the buying process, a website that doesn’t adapt seamlessly to different screen sizes loses customers and money. We live in a world where users expect immediate gratification, and they will leave your site within seconds if it doesn't load quickly or it renders incorrectly.


6. Latest and Greatest:

HubSpot actively provides valuable content through its blog. That’s why when you do a search on anything remotely marketing related, they are likely to rank at the top of search results. Google rewards original content and consistently updating blogs, news, or product information on your site signals that a company is active, engaged, and invested in their audience. Have you ever visited a company's website and looked at their last blog date or social media post? If their last update was in 2010, you're probably going to assume the brand is either really out of touch with its customers or that their marketing team is on an indefinite vacation. Not a good look.



The bottom line is if your customers are online (an oxymoron) you have to put your best foot forward and make a strong first impression. Although some of the examples above are household names and consumer-facing brands, that doesn’t mean that B2B’s shouldn’t follow their best practices. And while you don’t have to spend a fortune to get a professional looking website, you shouldn’t go for the Black Friday special either. There are other creative ways to cut marketing expenses without skimping on your virtual storefront. Fortunately, if you choose the right partner, they can guide you through the development process, ensuring your brand personality shines throughout your website and gives your audience a reason to stick around.

To learn how Tangelo Media can turn your website into your most valuable branding asset, click here.

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